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- /*
- * MB.H - 9/20/92 - Definitions for MailBox.
- */
- /*
- * System specific includes.
- * IBM PC, Microsoft C Compiler Version 5.00
- */
- /*
- * Includes from the C Library.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- /* the cbbs use of log() conflicts with the definition of the mathematical
- function in <functions.h> so rename it
- */
- #define log mblog
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <stat.h>
- #include "amiga.h"
- #else
- #include <string.h>
- #include <malloc.h>
- #include <sys\types.h>
- #include <sys\stat.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef O_BINARY
- #define O_BINARY 0
- #endif
- typedef unsigned char byte;
- typedef unsigned short word;
- /*
- * Sizes of things.
- */
- #define ln_handle 12 /* # chars in users name */
- #define ln_call 6 /* # chars in a callsign */
- #define ln_callp 9 /* # chars in callsign+ssid */
- #define ln_date 6 /* # chars in date */
- #define ln_time 4 /* # chars in time */
- #define ln_zip 6 /* # chars in zip or postal code */
- #define ln_bid 12 /* # chars in bulletin ID */
- #define ln_qth 20 /* # chars in qth */
- #define maxflds 16
- /*
- * MailBox includes.
- */
- #include "mbmail.h"
- #include "mbuser.h"
- #include "mbport.h"
- /*
- * Cosmetics.
- */
- #define is ==
- #define isnt !=
- #define and &&
- #define or ||
- #define not !
- #define setbit |=
- #define clrbit &= ~
- #define flipbit ^=
- #define true 1
- #define false 0
- #define match !strcmp
- #define matchn !strncmp
- #define nncmd false /* If true, enable the "NN" command */
- #define RECSIZE 256
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- #define pmode S_IREAD | S_IWRITE /* Permissions for creat() */
- #else
- #define pmode 0
- #endif
- /*
- * Some character values.
- */
- #define ctl_c '\03'
- #define ctl_g '\07'
- #define ctl_v '\026'
- #define ctl_w '\027'
- #define cpmeof '\032'
- #define del 0x7f
- /*
- * Index values for standard TNC commands.
- */
- #define t_con 0 /* Connect on */
- #define t_coff 1 /* Connect off */
- #define t_mon 2 /* Monitor on */
- #define t_moff 3 /* Monitor off */
- #define cmdlen 80
- #define linelen 256
- extern char scmd[24];
- extern char pt_flag;
- extern word filesize;
- /*
- * Multi-line messages (message of the day, mostly).
- */
- typedef struct MLM_S
- {
- char *text;
- struct MLM_S *next;
- } MLM;
- /*
- * Directory path stuff.
- */
- #define dp_dnload 1 /* Ok to download */
- #define dp_upload 2 /* Ok to upload */
- typedef struct DIRPATH_S
- {
- char *name; /* Name of this directory path */
- char *path; /* The path or device spec */
- struct DIRPATH_S *next; /* Pointer to next path */
- byte flags; /* Flag bits */
- char id; /* Path identifier */
- extern DIRPATH *dphd, *getdir();
- /*
- * Directory entry stuff.
- */
- typedef struct
- {
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- word size; /* Device size, in k */
- word block; /* Device block size */
- word free; /* Device free space, in k */
- #else
- long size; /* Device size, in k */
- long block; /* Device block size */
- long free; /* Device free space, in k */
- long lock; /* Lock on the file or directory */
- #endif
- typedef struct
- {
- char name[14]; /* File name */
- short size; /* File size, in k */
- /*
- * Scratch area. Used by directory listing commands,
- * and by user file and message file backup.
- * Also used hither, and yon.
- */
- typedef union
- {
- char scr[1];
- DIRENT dirent[1];
- } TMP;
- extern int scrmax, dirmax;
- extern TMP *tmp;
- /*
- * Date and time stuff.
- */
- extern char l_date[ln_date + 1];
- extern char l_time[ln_time + 1];
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- extern char z_date[ln_date + 1];
- extern char z_time[ln_time + 1];
- #endif
- extern int log_mon;
- extern byte unt_hr;
- /*
- * File names.
- */
- extern char *helpfile, *infofile, *fwdfile, *lgfile, *monfile;
- extern char *hrdfile, *bidfile, *stfile;
- extern int hrdmax;
- #define bidok 0x01 /* Smart bbs - BID exchange */
- #define hidok 0x02 /* Smart bbs - Hierarchical address */
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- /* Not necessarily implemented yet */
- #define fbbok 0x04 /* Smart BBS - FBB batch forwarding */
- #define cmpok 0x08 /* Smart BBS - FBB file compression */
- #define midok 0x10 /* Smart bbs - MID exchanged */
- #define zoook 0x20 /* Smart BBS - ZOO compression */
- #endif
- extern byte s_mart;
- /*
- * Error / status messages.
- */
- extern char *mcant, *mfind, *mprot, *mexst, *mtime, *mwhat;
- extern char *mdone, *mnport, *mndir, *mnfile, *mnmsg, *minuse;
- /*
- * Misc text.
- */
- extern MLM *motd;
- extern char *nullstr;
- extern char *ver;
- extern char *vers;
- extern char *talkm1, *talkm2, *talkm3, *talkm4;
- extern char *bbmenu, *symenu, *rmenus, *mumsg;
- extern char *pausemsg, *fm, *reqmsg;
- extern char *qth, *keylst;
- extern char achar, rchar, tchar, wchar;
- /*
- * System parameters.
- */
- #define s_page 0x0001 /* Page sysop enabled ? */
- #define s_cmd 0x0002 /* Delayed remote sysop cmd to do */
- #define s_unt 0x0004 /* Do an automatic untangle */
- #define s_mchange 0x0008 /* Mail file changed? */
- #define s_kill 0x0010 /* Kill all msgs after forward */
- #define s_fkill 0x0020 /* Kill F msgs after forward */
- #define s_svc 0x0040 /* Generate service message on KT */
- #define s_edtfc 0x0080 /* Edit traffic command enabled? */
- #define s_log_on 0x0100 /* Logging enabled */
- #define s_log_gate 0x0200 /* Log gateway events */
- #define s_log_file 0x0400 /* Log file events */
- #define s_log_msg 0x0800 /* Log message events */
- #define s_log_loc 0x1000 /* Log stuff happens local console */
- #define s_ping 0x2000 /* Stop ping-pong messages */
- #define s_uhold 0x4000 /* Hold user bulletins */
- extern word s_param;
- #define s_p_name 0x01 /* Prompt user to enter name */
- #define s_p_home 0x02 /* Prompt user to enter bbs */
- #define s_p_zip 0x04 /* Prompt user to enter zip */
- #define s_p_qth 0x08 /* Prompt user to enter qth */
- extern byte s_prompt;
- #define s_update 0x01 /* List update flag */
- #define s_dv 0x02 /* Desqview active, give slice */
- #define s_bkill 0x04 /* Auto kill stale bulletins */
- #define s_nkill 0x08 /* Auto kill stale traffic */
- #define s_ukill 0x10 /* Auto kill stale user messages */
- extern byte s_flag;